Saturday, 10 September 2011

Its back :(

Heyy everyone..
Just a really quick one to explain my lack of blogging activity. The dreaded tonsillitis has returned, I literally only had it two months ago, ive had it since monday and im still stuck in bed now. Its the worst thing ive ever experienced, and it hurts so much to eat. Sorry about the moany post :( I have soooo many ideas for new blog posts so once im back fighting fit ill get back to it. 


Heres a piccy that made me happy from cant wait to get back to eating... ill be like such pig the day im better haha. 

Hope everyone is well. Speak soon

Lucy x x x 


  1. Get better soon hun, lots of rest and fluids lol I sound like a Mum ha


  2. aww get better soon.. I wish for a speedy recovery for you

  3. Oh nooooo! I am sorry sorry to hear that =( I have missed your posts. Hope you feel better soon!

  4. aww no hun hope you're okay... lots of water and my nan used to always say to drink warm drinks to soothe the throat, but i dont know if thats an old wives tale ha...

    the cupcake looks soo good btw =)

    get well soon xx

  5. aww hope you get better soon i am ill aswell everything hurts just want to get better now i want a cupcake take care :)

  6. Aw babe hope you get better soon i know exactly how you feel i suffered for years, got mine out Feburary of this year & haven't had as much as a tickle in my throat since, so id seriously recommend getting it done!

    Well wishes xx

  7. feel better i have had that before and it is no fun :(
    and the cup cake looks delicious

  8. Awww thank you all so so much for the lovely comments, they defo help when feeling like this, its so nice of you all. I think im going to look into getting them out because it totally wipes me out for at least a week and with 3 little ones its just no good. Im feeling much more human today, so fingers crossed ill be back to myself very soon. x x x

  9. I hope you are better now and that you can have some cake :)

  10. getwell soon doll
    and umm that cupcake looks so delicious!

    BreezeyBee Blog

  11. =( ahhh I couldnt imagine the pain of that!! Hang In there and get better!! Rst and lots of movies!

  12. Hi Lucy theres a little blog award for you over on my blog if your interested :) xx


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