Thursday 23 June 2011

Liebster Blog Award...

Yeyyyyy... I was tagged in the Liebster Blog Award
Im super excited about this. I was tagged by the very beautiful and fabulous Miranda 
So go check her out peeps if you haven't already 

About this award:
The Liebster Award is designed to be awarded to blogs with less than 300 subscribers to spread the blog love and get them out to a wider audience 

The rules:
1) Post displaying the award, linking back to the person who awarded you.
2) Pick 3 blogs and let the know they are awarded 

Now onto the 3 blogs I have chosen, this is not easy as there are so many blogs around that deserve more followers. 

1) I love emmas blog, great outfit posts and shes also just started making youtube videos. She comments on my blog too and always makes me smile.

2) Ive only recently found Franki's blog but Im really enjoying it. She also lives in Liverpool just like moi :) :)

3) Love Nicole's blog she recently done a leopard print on her nails just FABULOUS!!! 

So a big thanx once again to Miranda for tagging me in this award, it really does mean allot *hugs through the computer* :) :)
Was quite hard to choose just 3 but I hope these girls enjoy this.

Speak soon lovelies x x x x


  1. oooh congrats on achieving this award hun, aw thanks so much for tagging me too, that is really kind :-) xx

  2. ahhh you babe thanks for tagging me, I have to get involved and do this!!!


  3. Arr no probs chick, yea get on it, its a good ting :D x x

  4. This is a fun award. Congrats n getting it.
    New follower. Hope you can follow back:

  5. Oooh yay! Thanks for tagging me lovely, will pass this award on :)

    Also, great to see another Liverpool blogger - there's hardly any of us! x

  6. I knowwwwwww... im astounded at the lack of scousers in the blog and youtube world!!!! There defo should be more ;) x x


Thanks for taking time to comment, it means the world to me.